Big Bend Plein Air Painters
Paint Outs are the 3rd Saturday of the Month
The Big Bend Plein Air Painters meet the third Saturday of the month although this is subject to change due to weather and holidays. Everyone welcome…urban sketchers, drawing and photography.
o January , Big Hill second pull over, 9:00-12:00
o February, from 3:00-6:00, Fort Davis.,
o March , CDRI 9am to Noon
o April, from 4:00-7:00 at The Post in Marathon
o May, Sunny Glen 9:00-12:00
o June, Ft Davis State park 9-12
o July , 4-7 Paisano Pass 4:00-7:00
o August, Plein Air Weekend! Ft. Davis
o September, Downtown Alpine (murphy Street area) 4-7
o October 21 somewhere in Marfa , TBA 9:00-12:00
o November 25, Downtown Fort Davis Courthouse area
o No paint out in December
The paint-outs will rotate between mornings and afternoons. Email for directions.
Contact Richard Curtin at rdcurtin@aol.com ,
Carol Fairlie at fairlieh2o@sbcglobal.net ,
or Liz Culp at lizbartlettculpfineart@gmail.com

Annual Plein Air Weekend, Labor Day Weekend

Plein Air weekend will happen again on Labor Day weekend
Join the Big Bend Plein Air painters Labor Day Weekend for a full weekend of painting and portraiture. The cost of the event is free, although we ask that each participant donate $20.00 to defray the cost of groceries. And please chip in to pay the model if you attend the figure/portrait session.
Come and go as you wish – attend any or all of the scheduled painting sessions.
There is no formal instruction, but there will be informal critiques and suggestions from your fellow artists.
Bring your own art supplies – any and all media.
The event is free, except for a donation to the models and towards the meal.
Registration will be required for a head count on attendance and space availability.