Emory Holman
I was born in Alpine, Texas. We were a ranching family, and I spent a good bit of my life in the country. I came to appreciate the beauty of Far West Texas at an early age.
I am retired from food service. In 1995 while visiting the island of Eleuthera, in the Bahamas, I was hired to be a cook on a dive boat looking for sunken treasure near Cuba. No treasure was found but the fun and experience were priceless! I spent two years living and working in some of the most beautiful waters in the world.
I reside in Alpine now but still visit the Bahamas once or twice a year. I am very fortunate to be influenced by two such beautiful and diverse surroundings.
I have been painting and drawing for many years. These days I work primarily with paper collage. I am fascinated by the way torn and cut paper pieces can be used like paint and brushes.
There is great pleasure in creating art; finishing a piece, standing back to see the results and saying “I did that!”